A Circus Elephant

Two months from my last post…
Have you ever been to a circus? If you have, did you look at the elephant at the circus? Did you notice anything strange about it? Well, don’t ask me, I’ve never been in a circus before. But I do watch a movie titled Cold Souls which in one part, Paul Giamatti go to an expert to store his soul.
The expert, Dr Flintstein has shown a drawing of an elephant, a circus elephant being tied to a small stick. Nothing is strange right? But when we think it rationally, does a tiny little stick can hold a big, strong elephant? So, does the drawing logic? Does the circus elephant really been tied to a little stick like that?
According to Dr Flintstein, the answer is YES. How? The answer is a circus elephant, when it still a baby and weak, is being tied to an immoveable stick. So, it can’t move further than its rope’s length and free itself.
So, this elephant grows up believing that it will never free itself from the rope tied to the tiny stick. Beautiful isn’t it? That’s the beautiful of psychological art.
Our children’s mind not so different with this elephant (not literally of course). We shouldn’t limit their potential or worse, scare them with something that will make them scared to try something new in life. Instead, encourage them to target something beyond their known potential. Till next time….


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